CRF 2022 Accomplishments

Major accomplishments on the forest during 2022:

  • Finished construction of a historical replica of a wooden entryway over the main road into the state forest designed to resemble an original CCC entryway.
  • Provided funding for electricity to be extended to the restrooms at Rhododendron Campground
  • Disc golf course opened on 71 acres of what used to be DOF managed lands in conjunction with the Mountain Goats Disc Golf Club.
  • Organized over 400 Hours of work performed by the CRF Volunteer Trail work program including the roadside trail, Rhododendron trail, and tent pad construction at the Rhododendron Campground


Events held during 2022:

  • Winterfest in February – cross country skiing, sledding, winter tree ID hike, women’s frying pan toss
  • Fund raising trail race in April (50 Km and half marathon)
  • Celebration of the Outdoors in October – raptor demonstration, guided hikes, kids’ activities
  • Fundraiser at the Morgantown Art Bar in November


Current projects being pursued:

  • Obtaining funding and a contractor to renovate overlook bathrooms.
  • Tree planting on harvested timber areas of the forest.
  • Creation of a trail map of the forest