Our Supporters

The work of preservation on the forest is costly and the Foundation works with many local businesses to do this work.  Over the 25+ years , we at the Foundation have accumulated a long list of partners and supporters as we maintain trails, and even create some, and do the hard work of preservation and maintenance of the historic CCC era structures.  Below is a list of businesses and organizations making small or large contributions in the past five years.   We thank you and look forward to continued work!

Granting Agencies:

The Chingos Foundation:  This Foundation has been a long time supporter of the Coopers Rock Foundation.  Many years ago the Chingos Foundation Grant funds provided users the Roadside Trail.  Most recently, the Chingos Foundation provided a substantial grant for the Restroom project for the Day Use Lot.

The West Virginia Division of Natural Resources:  The Foundation has a working partnership with the DNR through important matching grants including $7,500.00 for the Day Use lot Restroom, and $3,200.00 for the Shelter Three Restoration Project.

Community Participation Grants: Senator Bob Beach has sponsored several historical preservation grants for the Foundation to repair historic elements on the forest in the CCC picnic area.  These monies have facilitated the repair of fireplaces, and the replacement of a bridge and over 30 picnic tables.  This work is on going.

Local Businesses:

Mon Valley Integration is a generous, repeat supporter supporter of our volunteer improvement projects at the forest.

Pathfinder supports our seasonal events and race series with prizes, and also stocks our trail map and guide, and our “Guide to Coopers Rock State Forest” written by Judy Rodd.

Black Bear Burritos is our reliable “host” for many of our fundraising events, creating tasty specials for those events, provides gift cards and other prizes for our fundraising events on the forest.

The Book Exchange is a long time supporter of the Coopers Rock Foundation.  In the past they have generously contributed to our silent auctions and most recently have provided prizes for our race series.  Thanks so much to this great local business and manager!

Rising Sun Construction: The Baileys of Rising Sun Construction; Rob, John, and Chris, have been a regular feature of our Annual Celebration of the Outdoors for many years. Every year Rob, John and Chris hand cut wooden pieces to a bird box and arrive at the forest in the early morning.  They set up “shop” in one of our Overlook Pavilions and spend the day helping children of all ages assemble a beautiful, usable bird house!  In addition, Chris Bailey has donated time, equipment, and hours of labor to help us complete the Day Use Restroom Project.  We are grateful for such wonderful partners!

Terra Cafe is a popular breakfast, lunch, and now dinner restaurant in Star City and a loyal friend of the Foundation.

Chip Wamsley and his staff at Wamsley’s Cycles have been fast friends and partners with the Coopers Rock Foundation for over twenty years.  They are frequent partners with us offering prizes and workshops at our Celebration of the Outdoors as well as providing expert advice for cycling at Coopers.

Coopers Rock Climbing Guides are a consistent presence up on the forest, and provide the public with an informational Kiosk and safe, professional, fun experiences on our fabulous “rim rock” climbing areas that are unique in the state parks system in West Virginia.  For several years this small local business has hosted a successful “Climb-a-thon” event and made significant contributions to the fundraising efforts of the Foundation.

Morgantown Running have become great partners with the Foundation for our series of races on the forest including our 5K race, our Labor Day 10K “Stump Jump”, and our newest addition, Half Marathon and 50K set for April 16th 2016.  Morgantown running provides expertise and prizes as well as help with timing.

Greer Industries is a newer partner with the Foundation as we help the Division of Natural Resources Parks Division expand and develop additional parking areas for climbers and recreational users on the forest.  Greer has generously discounted gravel for these new parking areas and in a budget crunch time, this has made and important difference in our capacity to improve parking on the forest.

University Partners:

Adventure WV has been an amazing University partner!  Greg Curio, Matt Shreve, Brett Hagerty, Mercedes Minana, and so many others in the dedicated staff who bring student volunteers up to work on the “Rocky Habit Restoration” projects each year, and host an annual “Reel Rock” film festival that provide the Foundation with funds from the proceeds.

WVU Professional Recreation and Parks Society: This group of undergraduates from the Recreation and Parks major host a hugely successful annual fundraisers on behalf of the Coopers Rock Foundation each year.  These funds have contributed a significant amount to the purchase of the new vault toilet facility in the Day Use lot at Coopers.  We are so thankful to this energetic group of young people  and thank you very much for all your great work!

Fairmont State University Outdoor Recreation Leadership Program partners with the Foundation to conduct several of our annual trail work events as well as “Winterfest” on the forest.  This day of winter fun and frolic would not be possible without the hardy undergrads from Fairmont State and the prep work they do with Leader Jan Kiger.   Kiger and her Fairmont State undergraduates also provide student volunteers from their “Wilderness Explorer” program to assist with the Rocky Habitat Restoration day annually.